Welcome to West End Medical Practice
GP Appointments
All of our GP appointments are initially via telephone. You will then be triaged as the GP feels appropriate. Reception may ask for some information regarding the appointment subject. This is so that they can signpost to the most appropriate service, or pass this information on to the GP so that they can triage their calls in order of urgency if required.
Please call the practice to book an on the day consultation or a pre-bookable (up to 2 weeks in advance – SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY) consultation at 8:00am Monday-Friday. Once the on-the-day routine appointments have been filled, we will move to medical emergencies only. We apologise for any inconvenience. If you call later in the day, the 2 week ahead pre-bookable appointments may have also been taken where you would be asked to call back the next morning.
For nurse/phlebotomy or other appointments, you can call reception between 9:00am and 6pm Monday-Friday to book. For any other queries regarding appointments, please contact our reception team on 0131 225 5220.
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month – Bowel Cancer Screening
See updated information regarding bowel screening above.
Is your Cholesterol High?
If your recent cholesterol test was on the high side, this shows that you are at moderate risk of developing cardiovascular disease. You may wish to consider a statin – see below ;
If after reading the above, you wish to discuss this further, please consider making a routine appointment with our practice nurse or GP to discuss further.
Repeat Prescription Ordering?
The practice advises our patients to order your prescriptions at the earliest time possible. NO prescriptions can be ordered over the telephone, as the practice needs a complete paper trail for patient safety and auditing purposes. Prescription requests can take up to 3 working days
Have You Run Out of Medications?
If you have run out of your medications please contact your pharmacist in the first instance. Your pharmacy can issue most medications on an emergency basis. After that please make a request for your medications from the Practice website.
Online repeat Prescriptions
All new and existing patients can register for an online prescription account if they wish. All patients must have a valid email address and mobile number for this new service and is used solely by you or your representative. Please note this is for patients above the age of 18 only.
Please click on this link to register for the new service.
New Repeat Prescription Ordering Registration Service
Our patients are also able to order repeat prescription items online without an online account. Please select the repeat prescriptions option and you will be taken to a blank form. These items are listed on the right hand side of your repeat prescription computer slip. You can also email us as [email protected] to request a prescription.
Change of Address
It is very important that we hold a correct address and telephone number for you. If either of these changes, please notify us. Please click on the link below to complete the change of address form.
Out of hours
Getting a Doctor out of normal surgery hours:
Telephone NHS 24 on 111
In an emergency call 999
Minor Injuries Unit
The Minor Injuries Unit at the Western General Hospital:
Please contact 111 for an appointment. They can see minor injuries up to 7 days post injury.
Clinics & Services
Pharmacy, Community Physiotherapy, Community Nursing, Community Mental Health, Dietetics, Chiropody, Dental Services, Radiology and a range of consultant clinics.
Patient Registration
We are now accepting new patients!
To register please complete an online registration form:
Adult new patient registration form
Child new patient registration form
Agree to the practice contacting you by email
The Practice is considering new ways of contacting patients in order to decrease reliance on paper-based systems. To this end we would like to start collecting accurate email addresses for patients so that we may correspond in that way. We would like to make patients aware however that anything we send from the Lothian Network to a web-based address is no longer considered strictly secure. The sort of correspondence we would use email for would be routine recall letters and not sensitive health information, unless with the explicit consent of the patient.
If you would like to provide us with consent to contact you via email, please complete the consent form.