Requests where possible must be made online. Letters for repeat requests should enclose a stamped addressed envelope for return. Please remember it is your responsibility to ensure you order your repeat medication on time, always allow extra time for weekends and public holidays, and also in the event of postal and/or technical problems.
Please do not phone to confirm if your prescription is ready. All repeat medication requests made, are available for collection after five full working days. If you have requested your prescription to go to a pharmacy this will allow us and them enough time to complete the request. These are unprecedented times for all of us and we would ask you to be considerate and patient, we are all working hard to help each other.
DO NOT use this form or our website or email address to request medical advice, referrals, results or sick notes etc. This service is for repeat medication requests only. Please contact the reception in these cases. Any requests for the above made via our website or via email will NOT BE DEALT WITH.
A number of local pharmacies are open during the holiday seasons. Please contact them direct for local opening days and times. A list of the local pharmacies can be found here Local Pharmacies
Some only collect prescriptions once per week. If you require prescriptions on a frequent basis we suggest you either supply stamped and address envelopes, to the surgery, for your preferred pharmacy or change to a pharmacist who collects on a more regular basis.
Telephone Requests
Except in exceptional circumstances requests will not be accepted by telephone.
Hospital Requests
When you are discharged from hospital you should normally receive five days supply of medication.
On receipt of your medication requirements, which will be issued to you by the hospital, please bring this to the surgery or post via S.A.E. before your supply of medication has run out.
Hospital requests for change of medication will be checked by the GP first, and if necessary your Doctor will issue you with a Prescription. The Practice will endeavour to issue you with your prescription on that day, but it cannot be issued until your medical details are checked by the Doctor, your prescription should normally be ready by 4pm on that day, or you may be advised to attend the next day.
Please note that prescriptions advised by private consultants will be treated as routine and will not be dealt with urgently.
The Doctors will review your medication, regularly, which may involve changes to your tablets, in accordance with current health Board policies. Please be reassured that this will not affect your treatment.